How to Pick Your Filter
The furnace filter is often the most forgotten household item
The overall effectiveness of a filter is rated based on the Minimum Efficiency Rating Value (MERV) scale developed by The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). The MERV scale ranges from 1-20, 1 is the least filtration and 20 has the most filtration. For a better understanding of the MERV scale reference our info graph or our more in-depth chart.
**Note: Only buy filters rated with the MERV scale, other filter rating systems do not have national accreditation**
Without further adieu here are the 5 common HVAC filters along with the pros and cons of each one:
- Disposable Fiberglass
MERV: 1-4
Disposable Fiberglass filters are the most common filter we see in households. With a MERV rating between 1-4, they aren’t filtering much more than large dust particles and lint.
Price: $1.00-$2.00
Pros: Cheap, do not have to stay on top of filter changes
Cons: Filters little to nothing, do not improve indoor air quality, terrible for homes with allergies or asthma
- Disposable Pleated
MERV Rating: 5-8
Disposable pleated filters are another popular choice but often cause more problems than they solve. 1” pleated filters must be changed regularly to avoid clogging up and causing a system breakdown.
Price: $2.00 to $20.00.
Pros: On the cheaper end of the spectrum, filters some mold spores and dust mites
Cons: Can add extra strain and restrict airflow on your system, can decrease system efficiency
- Disposable 4″ Pleated Filter
Merv Rating 10
4” disposable pleated filters are typically seen on high-efficiency equipment. The installation of these filters usually requires a little ductwork rearranging. Also, the filter’s larger surface area allows for greater airflow.
Price: $20.00-$50.00
Pros: Filters pet dander, mold, pollen, and dust. Only requires bi-annual changes
Cons: May need ductwork reworking to fit system, filters cannot always be purchased at a hardware store
- 1” Respicaire Electronic Air Cleaner
MERV Rating 11-13
The MicroClean 95 uses electromagnetic attraction to remove harmful airborne particles from your indoor air. The patented Carbon Graphite charging system has a 95% efficiency rate removing harmful particulate from your air.
Pros: Removes particulates as small as .001 microns, helps with respiratory conditions, removes the most troublesome particulates from the indoor air – Lung Damaging Dust, Animal Dander, Pollen, Airborne Mold, Viruses, simple fast maintenance
Cons: Only comes in 16x25x1 and 20x25x1 sizes, custom sizes don’t exist
- Evolution Perfect Air
MERV Rating 15
The Evolution Perfect Air uses capture-and-kill technology that rivals the filtration systems in government and hospital buildings. This system helps protect heating and cooling systems.Pros: Kills 99% of germs, pollen, and mold, has been proven effective against common pathogens and fungus, easy maintenance, great for homes with respiratory illnesses
Cons: Usually requires some ductwork reworking to accommodate the size of the filter cabinet
Need filters? Get them here