Summer is finally rolling around (thank god), so that means it’s time to clear the yard and finish that outdoor chore list from last year. One item we often forget on the chore list is maintenance on general appliances, especially your A/C.
We get it, not everyone wants or thinks they need professional air-conditioning maintenance. Although everyone should have annual professional inspections, we are still here to help. Below you’ll find Chris Heating & Cooling has provided maintenance tips for all the Do-It-Yourself out there. These tips do not cover everything involved in our maintenance process, but they are a good start to help preserve your A/C’s life.
DIY Tip 1: Clear Debris
From the time you used your A/C until now, we have gone through a series of season changes. Each season transition has left debris that may be surrounding your A/C: leaves, dirt, or mulch. Before starting your A/C for the first time it is a wise idea to clear all debris around your unit to allow it to breathe. A good rule of thumb is to clear all debris within 12 inches of your A/C.
DIY Tip 2: Clean A/C Coil
Just as debris accumulates around your A/C, it does so inside your unit. Debris builds up on the coils (or fins) and can decrease the efficiency of your unit and hinder its ability to cool. If neglected the results can be severe, but there is an easy fix and the only thing you need is a garden hose. First, make sure your unit is in the off position. Then, turn the water pressure to your hose to 50%, if your pressure is at 100% you run a strong risk of damaging your A/C coil. After you have adjusted the water pressure, begin to spray the debris off the coil in a top-to-bottom motion. You must begin spraying at the top with the hose tip on an angle. If you spray directly at the coil you will just push the debris in and do more damage.
DIY Tip 3: Test your Drain
On top of your furnace, you will notice PVC coming off and running down to your floor drain. This is the drain for your air-conditioning, and you need to test it for blockages. There is one good way to test your drain. Grab a cup of water and dump it into the PVC pipe. If the water does not enter the floor drain there is a blockage, and it should be removed before using your air-conditioning to prevent water damage. If this is above your DIY skills give the professionals a call, we would be happy to fix the blockage!
DIY Tip 4: Check your Filter
If you’re like most people then you probably forget to check your filter every month. Well, here is your friendly reminder to check or change your filter. Dirty filters suffocate your furnace and significantly decrease the efficiency and life expectancy of your unit. To put it into perspective, a dirty filter would be the equivalent of breathing through a straw. Not only does it make it harder to breathe, but it also slows you down. The same goes for your furnace, so CHECK YOUR FILTER!
Need filters? Order them here.
DIY Tip 5: Cycle your A/C
The last DIY tip you perform before Summer is cycling your A/C. This means turning your air-conditioner on and off at the thermostat to ensure it is coming on at the right times. Turn your A/C on and off in 5-minute intervals. If your A/C is taking more than 5 minutes to turn on it might be time for a professional service call as there is a bigger problem going on.